Us brothers are spread out between California, Colorado, Texas, and Virginia. It is tough to get all of us in the same place at one time, even during the holidays. So, we try to all get together at least once a year in a new place. We call this the “Brother’s Trip.”
2021 was a big one, because Nicholas (aka “Nikky G”) was turning 40. Nicholas saw that Garth’s stadium tour was going through Fayetteville, Arkansas. It just so happens that his best friend, Justin (well done on all the coordinating and planning), moved there a few years back. Clearly, Garth Brooks live in Arkansas was our spot for the Brother’s Trip.
There was some definite planning that went in to this trip. We actually had a conference call the day the tickets came out, since the tickets sell out so quickly. We were all on the website trying to get in line for tickets the minute that it opened up. Cameron was the lucky one that got the best spot in line, and we were able to get all of our tickets next to each other.
Who knew it was so difficult and/or expensive to get to Fayetteville. Cameron and Carina ended up flying into Dallas to meet us, then we rented a car and drove to Fayetteville. It took us about 5.5 hours and was a pretty nice drive, especially once we got through Oklahoma. The extra time driving saved us at least a few hundred dollars, so it was worth it. Vincent (the guy on the left that looks like Rip from Yellowstone) and Sara drove in from Fort Worth to join us, since Vincent is essentially one of the brothers. We stayed at a pretty sweet AirBnb, that may or may not have had a creepy/haunted dungeon room.

Everyone got in to town on Friday. We had a couple of beers while we all caught up, before heading out for the night. We checked out the town, and it was refreshing to be back in a college town where drinks were about half the cost we were used to. Justin set up a party bus on Saturday before we went to pre game at the concert. Naturally, the cold beverages start flowing pretty early on an exciting day like this. Also, Fayetteville was a lot more fun than expected. If you have seasonal allergies, like both of us do, I recommended not going in April (we were struggling a little bit lol).
Anyone that has seen Garth in concert, knows how amazing of a show he puts on. There is so much energy from the crowd, and he truly feeds off of it. He seems to get more excited as the show goes on, and still has so much fun doing it after all of these years. You can sing along to every song, and know every word, because he is Garth Brooks and has 19 #1’s. If you are even slightly a country fan, or just a fan of good music and a good performance, you owe it to yourself to find a Garth Brooks concert to go to.